
Protectim Websit Blon Yu

Wei bisnis blon yu save operatim wanpela ecomerse o maketim websit, em impotent olsem em mas protectim em yet lon ol kainkain atack lon ol hacka na tu lon ol technikal failia. Sapose em ino wokim olsem, dispela contributim igo lon lus blon bisnis, moni blon bisnis em bai go daun na reputatsion em bai bagarap tu.

Ol hevi

  • Stealim ol infomasion blon customa, kain olsem adress na peimen kad detail.
  • Websit defasemen – em includim ol nugut pasin, tok nugut, tok hate o terroris piksa na mesage.
  • Denial of service atack wei ol stilman traim lon disrputim bisnis blon yu, wei em ol laik stealim moni.
  • Damagim reputatsion blon yu.
  • Websit em ino wok gut becos lon infrastructsa o pawa supli problim.
  • Atack kam lon denial of service (DoS) o distrubuted denial of service (DDoS).

Protectim websit blon yu

Sapose yu hostim wanpela websit blon yu yet na ino usim ol third party hostim kompani, ensurim olsem ol hatware na sopware em sekure:

  • Usim ol strongpela, protectsion paswod insait lon systim. Noken lusim ol paswod set lon defalt valu blon em.
  • Mekim sua ol serva em gat protectsion waintaim ol strongpela firewall na intanet securiti sopware.
  • Monitorim ol log file gut tru lon checkim nugut igat sampela kain intruson.
  • Usim ol newpela vesion blon ecomerse sopware. Olpela vesion bai gat ol bagrap wei ol hacka gen usim againstim yu.
  • Deletim ol nugut websit wei yu gen tokim ol hostim kompani lon rausim ol na deletim ol file waintaim.
  • Noken larim putim ol privat infomasion na kredit kad detail blon ol custome blon yu lon publik ecomerse serva.
  • Protectim SSL blon you na keepim em safe.
  • Sapose yu considerim ol websit blon yu em gat hevi lon ol DoS o DDoS atack, kisim tingting na sapot lon
  • wanpela DDoS protecsion specalist husait save lon ol kain save na tuls lon helpim yu protectim bisnis blon yu.
  • Considerim lon usim wanpela profesional testim fim lon testim ol defens blon ecomerse serva blon yu.

Sapose yu usim third-party hostim provida:

  • Reviewim ol securiti na availaibiliti polici arrangemen.
  • Checkim olsem ol servise level agreemen is meetim nid blon yu.
  • Na igoken, considerim lon usim wanpela profesional testim fim lon testim ol defens blon hostim kompani serva blon yu.



Wanpela Glosari blon ol tem ol usim lon dispela artikle:


Secure Socket Layer, em wanpela encrypsion sysim wei em save securim ol intanet communicasion.